
School Community Management Web Application

UI/UX Design + Web Development

The Idea

KidHub’s foudning team wanted a way to connect parents with their children’s school, teachers, and classrooms through an online app. The idea was making communication easier and information more transparent along with adding a social community feel to each school and classroom.

The Solution

Vital Dynamx worked with the KidHub team to refine the feature set, build a specification document, update a rudimentary concept design, and add a detailed multi-role onboarding process. A multi-tenant software as a service application was built using Ruby on Rails to handle different types of schools and a variety of user roles. The application included a complex mobile/tablet responsive front end that offered a very rich mobile phone experience for real-time chatting, managing volunteers at events, and notifications.

Color Palette


Primary Font

Quicksand ( Bold, Regular, Light )

Secondery Font

Muli ( Light )

Special Font

Quicksand ( Bold )

Tech Stack

Ruby on Rails 4.2.5
HTML5 | CSS3 | Javascript 1.8.5
MySQL 5.7
Heroku | AWS